
Weathering Change: Global Warming or Global Weirding?

18 March 2013
Published in Environment

(Audio) Over the next century, local microclimates within Utah will change in unexpected ways. Groups in Moab have different ways of dealing with this unknown.

Weathering Change: Las Vegas Pipeline May Threaten West Desert's Scarce Water

07 March 2013
Published in Science and Society

(Audio) The scarce water supply in Utah's West Desert is already impacted by agricultural use and fluctuations in weather. Some worry that adding a pipeline to Las Vegas will create an environmental disaster.

Weathering Change: Mitigation, Adaptation, and Suffering

28 February 2013
Published in Environment

(Audio) Researcher Lonnie Thompson says a changing environment will be a part of our future. Now how do we deal with it?

Weathering Change: Glaciers Melt, Water Rises

25 February 2013
Published in Environment

(Audio) Sea level has risen and fallen throughout history but is only problematic now that hundreds of millions live at sea level, says researcher Lonnie Thompson.